BURLINGTON, ON January 25, 2013 So – Sandra Pupatello wins – then what happens?
First there will be a by-election to get her a seat in the Legislature. Then the Legislature will resume and Pupatello will show the province just what she is made of. This woman is a tiger – she doesn’t take prisoners.
She will eventually get the election she wants and wipe the floor with Tim Hudak. She will go to the public with a strong set of candidates – what will that mean to Burlington?

Provincial Liberal leadership delegate Sandra Pupatello meets Burlington’s Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven. Could they work well together?
Jane McKenna will want to brush up her resume. Burlington has two, maybe three potential candidates – one of whom can win the seat with a dynamic enough leader.
Ted McMeekin, the cabinet minister to the east of us and the go to guy when Burlington wants to be heard by the provincial government. He is supporting Kathleen Wynne because she might keep him in cabinet. Pupatello won’t invite McMeekin into the cabinet she forms.
There is an opportunity for McMeekin to run for Mayor of Hamilton – they will love him over there – but Mayor of the zoo on the other side of the Skyway may be more than McMeekin wants to take on.
Ted Chudleigh should hold his Halton seat which includes parts of northern Burlington . It would take someone who has done a lot of ground work to beat the man who knows his job, does his job and is well liked. He has high name recognition and there are no smears on his copy book.
Sandra for sure on Saturday – then let the games begin. Ontario has never seen a leader like this before.

Wow Pepper, you are an amazing political strategist to make such predictions that have already started to become true. Why not run yourself if you’re so sure of your political abilities.
I do agree with one point, Jane needs to smarten up. People didnt elect Jane McKenna, they elected the PC candidate for Burlington. She is an unknown with no accomplishments to speak of.