No RISC in this police initiative - safety blitz cuts down accidents at intersection - cell phone use still causing accidents.

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 8, 2014


Operation RISC (Reducing Intersection Safety Concerns) is a Burlington Police detachment initiative that began in February and has had some successful results since it’s inception.

The operation focuses on intersection traffic safety which, through an increased police presence, and both education and enforcement work, the number of motor vehicle collisions has been reduced.


A strong police presence makes a difference.

In a three month period, (February to April), Burlington officers conducted 1,812 traffic stops in and around intersections throughout the City of Burlington.

They issued 1,435 Provincial Offence Notices and delivered 375 verbal warnings.

In total, 886 hours has been spent patrolling Burlington intersections.

The purpose of the project is to increase awareness for intersection traffic safety and in turn reduce collisions.

Between April 28 and May 4 of last year, 2014, the Halton Regional Police responded to 1049 motor vehicle collisions and 131 personal injury collisions.

During the same time period in 2015, after two months of Operation RISC, the motor vehicle collisions dropped to 960 and the personal injury collisions also dropped to 109.

The number one infraction continues to be distracted driving followed by speeding through intersections and red light violations. (Distracted driving tends to be people using their cell phones.)

Officers will continue to be a presence in and around intersections throughout the City in hopes they serve as a gentle reminder to pay attention when driving.


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