By Pepper Parr
February 1st, 2019
Marilyn Ansley gave money to a homeless person earlier this week; he was soliciting at Fairview and Brant St. She said: “We must recognize and provide support to the many homeless people in our affluent city.”
People are not permitted to beg on the streets of Burlington – and begging is what it is – let’s not do the Burlington polite thing and call it soliciting. Prostitutes solicit.
I asked him where he would be tonight in extremely cold weather. He said Burlington has nothing and all shelters in Hamilton are full.
I believe there is only one in the Halton Region called The Lighthouse in Oakville, run by the Salvation Army in Oakville. I am awaiting responses from Inside Halton and Salvation Army Burlington.
We must be able to help the homeless in Burlington with temporary shelter, food and resources.
Burlington has all kinds of places it can house people when it is bitterly cold – the view amongst far too many is that if we begin to house them they will return. And taking care of poor people is a Regional responsibility.
There isn’t a reason in the world why the Salvation Army couldn’t open up space now and then drive around and help those on the street find a place to keep warm.
Pop a note to your ward Councillor and let them know how you really feel. We will send the first one for you and see what we get back.
Kelvin Galbraith Ward 1
Lisa Kearns Ward 2
Rory Nisan Ward 3
Shawna Stolte Ward 4
Paul Sharman Ward 5
Angelo Bentivegna Ward 6
Mayor Meed Ward.
Trudeau is sending 43 million to Venezuela instead.
I found the previous 3 comments to be VERY DISTURBING, uneducated, and unfeeling especially coming from Community Members who seem to have the benefits of wealth and financial stability that somehow gives them the ‘high road’ mentality. It would not surprise me in the least to know that these commentators were active Christian Citizens and members of the Burlington Church community
LET ME TELL YOU; unfortunately, there is deep poverty in Burlington and the surrounding areas. To EVERYONE there is a story – be it an abusive relationship, a job loss with no financial alternative, mental issues that our current inadequate system just ignore, a death of someone close, hopelessness, suicidal tendencies, etc.
To make a judgement based on a personal observation (e.g. sitting in your car at the traffic lights) is the height of naivety and perhaps once you should take the time to learn the facts – but this would mean leaving the warmth and safe confines of the car and step into the miserable, lonely, and in many cases hopeless world of those you complain about and find out their REAL story
Now I am sure that there are always those that will take advantage of others generosity BUT that has ALWAYS been the situation in life AND is surely a SMALL PRICE to pay!
I ask you not to look at the clothes, the age and extrapolate the need of the ‘homeless’ BUT give in the hope that any gift will achieve it’s goal
This is REALLY a CITY issue and should be dealt with by City Council – LET’S HOPE THEY SEE the URGENCY!
I have witnessed the public offer food and drinks, only to be denied. They only want cash. What for ? Drugs, booze… and to sometimes walk amoungst the cars, come on, enough. They are leaving behind from their spots, litter, back packs and garbage. This is not what Burlington is an example of. I agree with Steve W. Don’t be fooled.
I have my doubts that the “median people”, I see asking for money on our major street corners are actually homeless. I have seen a van drive down Leighland Rd, turn around and 4 people jump out with cardboard in hand to go to Brant & Plains and Brant & Fairvew. Are there legit homeless people in Burlington? Yes. And is it a problem? Absolutely. But not these people standing on the medians.
Years ago I heard Burlington gives homeless men a bus ticket, puts them on the #1 Fairview bus heading into Hamilton and they go to the Salvation Army homeless shelter on York Blvd. in Hamilton. A bus driver might know if we still do that.
At the time I thought that was a nasty trick, sending our homeless men to another region.