Fire department checking out pier problems in the electrical room. Is the pier still under warranty?

By Staff December 6, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   An observant citizen wrote to say: “For the second time in the past few weeks Burlington Fire […]

Ontario Moving Forward With High-Speed Rail linking Windsor and Toronto – what happened to Quebec city?

By Staff December 5, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   Well – we have heard this one before – the plans to build a high-speed rail line […]

Santa Claus parade - Sunday - starts 2:00 pm. Note the name of the best float and vote for a winner.

By Staff December 5, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   Sunday – starts at 2:00 pm and winds its way down Guelph Line – starting at Prospect […]

There are options to retirement homes or long term care when you can no longer live by yourself.

By Pepper Parr December 5, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   Shelley Raymond had a problem – both her parents were at that point in their lives […]

Rotary pond skating rink opens NEXT Friday - under six must wear helmets.

By Staff December 4, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   This pretty well makes it official – winter is either here or really close. The Rotary Centennial […]

Does the CBC give the public $1 billion in value? Does the free flow of information matter? Ask the Ukranians.

By Ray Rivers December 5, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   The good old Soviet Union used to control its media for the good of the Fatherland, […]

Fire chief says risk is everywhere - the challenge is to be as prepared as possible. New deputy hired to over see Emergency Management Coordination

By Pepper Parr December 1, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   “Risk is everywhere, regardless of the neighbourhood” says Fire Chief Tony Bavota and he adds “we […]

Burlington Fire department does not want to visit your home during the Christmas holidays.

By Staff December 4, 2104 BURLINGTON, ON.   A house ablaze Christmas Day is terrifying – and it happens all too frequently. People are careless, […]

Government tightens day care over-sight - adds more funding as well.

By Pepper Parr December 4, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   For those parents that use day care – the decisions that have to be made are […]

Deadline for flood relief applications is ten days away; there are people on hand to help you with the forms.

By Pepper Parr December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   The deadline to donate funds or submit a claim to the Burlington Community Foundation Flood Disaster […]

Regional council expected to look at how municipalities are represented;Milton will want better representation.

By Pepper Parr December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   The Region of Halton did there Swearing In this morning; they had three new faces. Regional […]

Downtown business community working at making Brant street look a little more festive - last year was a copout for many retailers.

By Pepper Parr December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   The Burlington Down Business Association has held a friendly window decorating contest for the holidays! This […]

City announces second highest number of building permit applications in its history. So why will there be a tax increase in 2015?

By Pepper Parr December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   City hall reports that building permit applications received in 2014 is the second highest on record. […]

Jean Belliveau: An apreciation.

By James Smith December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   All the other kids wore the Rouge, Bleu, Blanc with nombre neuf. We were Anglos but […]

Mayor promises to give the city the sameleadership he gave in his first term.

By Pepper Parr December 3, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   He didn’t get it off on his best foot. Mayor Goldring reminded the audience at the […]

Ontario reintroduces legislation to safeguard public participation in debate; will it impact the legal action the Air Park took against two citizens and the Gazette?

By Pepper Parr December 2, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   Ontario is taking steps to protect the freedom of people who speak out on matters of […]

Master ice sculptor to be at Royal Botanical Gardens - not to be missed.

By Staff December 2, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   Watch sculpting master Michael Muli use various techniques to transform ice into art at the Royal Botanical […]

Mayor to hold fund raiser three days after being sworn in.

By Pepper Parr December 1, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON.   Sign at the western gateway to the city. With the chain of office officially his for […]

Belle Epoch theme planned for AGB 2015 Art Auction; that will be different!

By Pepper Parr December 1, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   The Art Gallery of Burlington is proud of its rich tradition in hosting an annual, live […]

Vital Signs report points out opportunities to be a city we can all feel at home in.

By Pepper Parr December 1, 2014 BURLINGTON, ON   The report gets put out every year – the most recent is the third released by […]