Atwood to speak at RBG evening of November 28th She will focus on her “enthralling dystopian trilogy.”

November 16, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. This is what you would call a `”coup” The Different Drummer is bringing Margaret Atwood to town. […]

Airpark files an appeal on the Wednesday decision that found Burlington site bylaw to be valid. The saga continues.

November 15, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. The Burlington Executive Airpark has decided to appeal the decision that found the city of Burlington […]

Tough getting heard at city hall when the mics dont work. Learning how to manage agendas is also a skill that needs to be acquired.

November 15, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON It was not their finest hour. It was the longest Standing Committee meeting this Council has […]

With a round 1 win, city has to think about what should be done with airpark. Rossi now has to listen – city has to have something to say.

November 15, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. So – what’s next with the air park? The city won – the airpark people can […]

Judge rules that city has the right to enforce its bylaw at the airpark: now what? Does it all get taken apart?

November 14, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. We now have more detail on the decision Justice Murray handed down this morning on the dispute […]

City wins Airpark court case: details to follow.

November 14, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. The city was right. Justice John Murray thought about it and wrote a decision that ruled city’s […]

It was about the men and women who signed up, particularly those that did not return. Lest We Forget

November 3, 2013 By Ray Rivers BURLINGTON, ON. At the end of WWII Canada had the third largest navy in the world, the fourth […]

Why does all the talk talk about the pier court case get done behind closed doors all the time? Because they don’t want YOU to know.

November 13, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. We got asked to leave – again. Council, meeting as a Standing Committee, was going to […]

Burlington Woman Faces an Attempt Murder Charge after victim found stabbed in Lakeshore apartment.

November 13, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. Regional police are continuing their investigation of what they are calling an attempted murder at an apartment […]

What do you want taxes to pay for? Everything? Can’t happen. City manager proposing big changes.

November 12, 2013. By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. It was a report requesting approval to explore new service delivery models and if it gets […]

18-30 and looking for work? Wallace sponsors a panel to guide job seekers. New Street Library on the 14th

November 11, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. MP Mike Wallace will be hosting a seminar for young adults aged 18-30 on Thursday, Nov. 14 […]

With Council member pay scale on the table – listen for the howls. The good ones are worth every dime we give them.

November 11, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. Early in 2012 city council decided they could no longer make fools of themselves when it […]

Police still looking for a man they beleive was stabbed in the torso at a North Service Road motel.

UPDATE TO ORIGINAL STORY. November 10th, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. The Regional police are still looking for the “victim” of what they say […]

The Alton Village community complex gets taken through a dry run – community Open House on the 23rd – not to be missed.

November 10, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. Hayden High was opened to media for a tour – what a collection of facilities: a […]

Police have stabbing suspects – still looking for a victim

November 9, 2013 By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. The police have suspects – they just don’t have a victim. A young black male, believed to […]

Lest we forget

      In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The […]

Drug Warrant Executed in Burlington; one less supplier on the street – told not to sell drugs before he appears in court.

November 8, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. It was chump change as far as the drug business goes. Just another link in the […]

Government having problems convincing pubic to accept tax increases: they are going to spend & hope tax revenues rise enough.

November 8, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. Liberal government has decided that if they can’t get the private sector to use the cash […]

Toronto Mayor does his video debut; Prime Minister bids adieu to Senators he appointed – is this what they call responsible government?

November 8, 2013 By Ray Rivers. BURLINGTON, ON. Aren’t you glad you don’t live in Toronto and have to admit that Rob Ford is […]

Environmentalists look to possible city council candidate to argue their case: No to the marina breakwater and save those swans.

November 5, 2013 By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. BurlingtonGreen seems to be upping their game. They have an Annual General Meeting later this month […]