By Pepper Parr
June 1st, 2022
The new normal took shape Tuesday evening when Sean Cullen took to the stage at the Performing Arts Centre to introduce the program for the 2022-23 season.
The Performing Arts has a lot to offer this season.
And Cullen was in a very giving mood.
He has a way with getting an audience to eat out of his hand – he spots people in the audience and knows instantly that he can play them.
A young woman in the front row was asked if she was from Burlington. She was she answered. Cullen moved on and then came back to the woman asking “where did you go to university.” “Western” she responded
Cullen turns away again and looks over his shoulder asking: “What did you study?”.
“Economics” the woman answers. “How’s that working out for you he asks” getting the laugh Cullen knew was in the audience?
It wasn’t a full house but is was a very respectable turn out.
The event had Cullen serving as the MC with four acts that would be performing during the season doing a short performance.
There was two short pieces of classical music performed by Francine Kay who hunches over the keyboard ready to pounce on the keys – and dazzled the audience.
Memberships in the Performing Arts Centre Hall of Fame were awarded to Gary De Groote and Don Allan. De Groote commented that it was the first time he had worn a jacket in two years.
Tammy Fox, the Executive Director of the Performing Arts Centre spoke for a few minutes: the public needs to see and hear more of her – she has a quick wit, a sharp tongue and likes audiences – that hasn’t always been for BPAC.
While she is an administrator – there is dramatic talent there; a waste to keep it behind a desk
For the first time in my memory there was an In Memoriam moment during which several names appeared on the screen followed by photographs. When the name of Boris Brott, killed tragically by a hit and run driver, the audience rose to its feel applauding.
Regrettably there was no mention of the loss of Walter Mulkewich, former Mayor and quite an orator when he turned it on.
The purpose of the evening was to give Performing Arts Centre members an advance opportunity to buy ticket – the Box Office was held open for them for three days before the public can purchase tickets.
We will list the features in a separate article.
With Cullen taking his last friendly poke at the audience people were invited to go out to the Family room, enjoy an adult beverage and some food and just mingle – something many had not done for the last two years.
The Adult Beverage tables were kept busy.
The Performing Arts staff now bend their will to getting ready to welcome the first acts