Pop up band to entertain at the Burlington Mall on Thursday; part of their 50th anniversary celebration

eventsblue 100x100By Pepper Parr

May 15th, 2018



They are working their way north.

The Sound of Music has often been criticized for being just a downtown event.

Small Town Justice - band

Small Town Justice will be “popping up” out side the new Denninger’s location at the Burlington Mall.

A change is taking place – the first peek the public will get of that change will be this Thursday, the 7th when Small Town Justice, will be playing mini sessions from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and will be back on May 24th for additional mini shows.

The Burlington Mall is celebrating its 50th anniversary and has joined forces with the Sound of Music people to mark the progress of the major renovation and upgrade.

The pop-up concert is being held in the new wing of the mall in front of Denninger’s which opened their new Burlington location recently.

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