Process of merging the Bateman student population into both M.M. Robinson and Nelson begins: architect appointed, Parent Council reps chosen.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 23, 2017



Things are moving along on two different levels: Parents who harbour the hope that somehow the Board of Education decision to close two of the cities seven high schools can be reversed while the Board of Education staff proceeds cautiously in making the changes at Nelson to accommodate the students body currently at Bateman high school who are scheduled to transfer in 2020 and the Lester B. Pearson students who move to M.M. Robinson in September o 2018.

The parents are waiting to learn who the Facilitator (there might be more than one) will be. The province has yet to announce anyone to the task. Senior people at the Board of Education are wondering what is taking so long.
The Board is committed to continuing the Program Accommodation Review (PAR) Implementation plan, while cognizant of the ongoing Administrative Review by the Ministry of Education.

Jean Vanier secondary school

Jean Vanier secondary school: A Snyder design

The School Board appointed the firm of Snyder Architects Inc. to participate on the committees related to school consolidation. The job involves developing a variety of options, preparing the design details and developing the project management process needed to address the Burlington PAR outcomes for M.M. Robinson and Nelson High Schools that will expand and Lester B,Pearson and Bateman that will close.

Terri Blackwell Mar 7-17Terri Blackwell, the Superintendent of Education who is handling the implementation of the decision to merge the Bateman students into both Nelson and M.M. Robinson said: “It’s important that Snyder is involved early in the process, prior to design. They will be participating in the LBP/MMR integration committee and working with Board staff to design a variety of options for both M.M. Robinson and Nelson. As with our other facilities projects the process will also include opportunities for stakeholder feedback. It is important that Snyder is engaged in the conversations regarding the program and student needs in the creation of the two composite schools.

The project has specified timelines that schedule the work over several years. The Steering Committee will undertake a process in consultation with Snyder Architects Inc. to determine the final plans for each school. The timeline will align with the initiation of school integration committees and discussion around program changes, which will necessitate modifications to existing school buildings.

Bateman high school

Bateman high school – due to close in 2020.

Those school integration committee will include representation from the Parent Council’s from Pearson, Bateman, M.M. Robinson and Nelson.

In their media release the Board said: “The planning for and design of these facilities requires thoughtful consideration to meet the needs of our students, and therefore the input of an architect at this initial stage is integral,” said Gerry Cullen, Superintendent of Facilities Service for the Board.

Financing for the entire project has been requested from the Ministry in the 2017 Capital Priorities. The Board has the ability to stop the work at various stages of the project, if required.

Snyder Architects Inc. has successfully completed many projects for the Board, including new school construction (e.g., Martin Street PS, Oodenawi PS, Tiger Jeet Singh PS, P.L. Robertson PS), as well as additions/renovations of our schools; the Alton Village PS, Georgetown District HS.

“As a Board, we are committed to working with the students, staff and the community to support the facilities’ enhancements resulting from the Burlington Secondary School Program and Accommodation Review,” adds Cullen.

The parent groups are in the process of selecting their representatives. Pearson has chosen:

Steve Armstrong + Cheryl deLught - Pearson

Steve Armstrong and Cheryl deLught – Parents on the School Council.

Chair – Steve Armstrong *

Co-Chair – Cheryl DeLugt *

Secretary – Amy DeZouza *

Alternate Secretary – Cassandra Wandham (a local student parent)

Treasurer – Siobhan Duguay

Community Representatives – Tony Brecknock * & George Ward *

Parent Involvement Committee Representative – Cheryl DeLugt *

Asterisks represent Save LB Pearson Committee members

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1 comment to Process of merging the Bateman student population into both M.M. Robinson and Nelson begins: architect appointed, Parent Council reps chosen.

  • steve

    Back to square one. That is exactly what happened in 1969 before Bateman HS opened, they sent some to MM, by bus, and some to Nelson. The one’s going to MM felt a little like visiting students.