By Pepper Parr
July 12th, 2019
Seems like everything is being held up by the federal election expected to take place in October.
Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario has been told to dummy up by the federal Conservatives; now we learn that the Provincial Review that was looking into what could be done to “improve efficiencies at the Regional level” will not produce their report until after the federal election.
The big concern for municipalities in Halton Region was that they would be taken out of play and the whole kibosh turned into a city of Halton.
Oakville and Burlington were mighty upset and formed local advocacy groups.
All the changes being made at the provincial level are somehow going to find their way to your tax bill.
City council, in a frivolous mood, came up with some ideas to let the taxpayers know who was causing the financial pain.
Tax bills are produced by the city treasurer and have some room for an extra line or two.
There is currently a line showing people what portion of their tax bill goes to the Hospital levy as well as a line for the Infrastructure levy.
There is still some room for a third line – this council has asked Joan Ford to get back to them on adding a line that might be referred to as the “Ford” levy – pointing to increases that were necessary when the province changed the rules of the game.
Tax bills look like they may becoming pieces of campaign literature.
Will the city have to seek status as a Third Party advertiser?
Interesting that council did not feel it necessary to tell residents that the hospital levy which was to come off the tax bill was to become an infrastructure levy. Don’t remember anyone from council asking for a line on our tax bill to indicate this.
Personally, I think this pushes the boundaries. Municipal governments are meant to be non-partisan.
I hope that keeping Burlington Taxes artificially low by using money from Reserve Funds ( some of which have to be paid back) does not come back to haunt us.
Hah – unfortunately, the City Treasurer is also named ‘Ford’ so the gesture may lose some of it’s symbolic impact. On the positive side, it would certainly be accurate – either way. Just say in’.