By Staff
December 1st, 2020
It has been a long time coming but yesterday the city received notice from the Region that the Official Plan is another step closer to being what an election was fought over in 2018.
A different way of growing a city.
Council will now take an historic step and pass the Official Plan.
Appeals are part of the process but this time it is the Region that has to accept the appeal and cover the costs of defending it.
When and How to File an Appeal

Region signs off on Burlington new Official Plan. Now Council has to pass it and then wait for the appeals.
Any appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be filed with Halton Region no later than 20 days from the date of this notice, shown above as the “Last Date of Appeal”.
The notice of appeal should be sent to the attention of the Regional Clerk at the address shown below and it must:
1) set out the reasons for the appeal,
2) set out the specific part or parts of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to which the appeal applies, and
3) be accompanied by the fee required by the Tribunal and as directed by the Tribunal.
The reasons for the appeal must include an explanation of how the proposed official plan amendment:
• is inconsistent with provincial policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act;
• fails to conform with or conflicts with a provincial plan; or,
• fails to conform with the Regional Official Plan.

This is the council that, elected in 2018 took on the task of creating a new Official Plan and getting through two years of hard work and determined effort.
Address for Filing a Notice of Appeal
By Mail:
Office of the Regional Clerk
Regional Municipality of Halton
1151 Bronte Road
Oakville ON L6M 3L1
Submit Notice of Appeal to the attention of:
Graham Milne, Regional Clerk
By E-mail:
Who Can File an Appeal
Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may appeal a decision of the approval authority to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the official plan amendment was adopted, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
When the Decision is Final
The decision of the Regional Municipality of Halton is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the Last Date of Appeal.
Getting Additional Information
Additional information about the amendment and the decision is available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Office of the Regional Clerk at the address noted below.

expect the skies to be darkened by developers and their lawyers