Regional police cracking down on distracted drivers - asking for public to help.

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 25, 2015


On Friday May 22, 2015 between 6:00am and 6:00pm, officers from the three regional District Response Teams collectively worked together to target the Big 4 driving behaviours that are responsible for placing road users at most risk, namely;

impaired driving
 distracted driving
 aggressive driving
 failure to wear a seatbelt

Officers focused their efforts along the Dundas Street commuter route in the City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville.

Small click here - blackDuring the one-day education and enforcement project, a total of 197 Provincial Offence Notices were laid. The majority of these charges consisted of speeding and distracted driving offences.

Officers also provided several warnings and cautions regarding driving behavior.

Halton Regional Police would like to remind motorists that holding a cell phone when driving a motor vehicle is likely to become the leading cause of traffic fatalities by 2016. As such our Service remains committed to targeting motorists who commit this offence and doing all that is possible to ensure a safe commute.

The next Regional Safe Commute initiative will take place in the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills.

Anyone can report a traffic or driving concern by visiting our website and making a ROAD WATCH complaint.

ROAD WATCH is a community driven program encouraging anonymous reporting of incidents involving dangerous and/or aggressive driving. This program is an opportunity to bring an aggressive driver to our attention. Be the extra eyes and ears and learn more here:

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1 comment to Regional police cracking down on distracted drivers – asking for public to help.

  • Mr.Bean

    Enough with the police handing out warnings to people guilty of distracted driving. Fine them and give them demerit points. I hope Halton police are not handing out warnings for drunk driving also.