Regional police issue 2,299 traffic violation notices during a week long Safe Start program in school areas.

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 19, 2016



The numbers were nothing to be proud of – dismal is perhaps the best description for the 2,299 Provincial Offence Notices handed out by the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) Traffic Services Unit during the week long Project Safe Start road safety initiative.

Now in its tenth year, Project Safe Start is a highly visible reminder to drivers that children are back in school and they need to slow down in and around school zones, watch for pedestrians, and pay attention to school crossing guards escorting children across busy intersections.

Over the course of the week long campaign, which ran from September 7 to 13, officers focused a number of dangerous driving behaviours, the top four of which were:


Missed that stop sign – didn’t see it.

  1.  1: speeding,
    2: disobeying stop signs,
    3: distracted driving and
    4: administrative offences.

Provincial Offence Notices were issued for these and other violations.

“Traffic safety is a Service and community priority in Halton Region,” said Sergeant Ryan Snow, Traffic Services Unit. “While Project Safe Start formally ends, officers will continue to enforce the rules of the road in a bid to make ours safer for everyone.”

Half of 1% of the Region’s population chose to put the lives of children going to school at significant risk.

Residents are reminded that they can file driving complaints or request enforcement of a particular area online at under Most Requested Information -> Roadwatch or Traffic Complaints respectively.

Criminal/dangerous driving should be reported immediately by calling 9-1-1.

Related article:

Stories people tell police when they get pulled over – and the language they use.


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2 comments to Regional police issue 2,299 traffic violation notices during a week long Safe Start program in school areas.

  • Shuggers

    They should ticket bicyclists, also. That’d be a cash cow!

  • Janedon

    If they can hand out That many tickets in one week—Imagine if they actually did work that hard at enforcing laws the whole yr round–
    & if we had both red light cameras & photo Radar(these would help free up cops for other duties)ESP- -If the routes people traveling to & from the suburbs(where most Canadians can’t afford to live)& heavy traffic makes it difficult for police to pull folks over(people count on that)& these people can afford to pay the fines—were cameraed-