Resident has nothing but good words for vaccination process

News 100 yellowBy Staff

March 16th, 2021



Here is how it works.

A resident from the Tyandaga area had a vaccination appointment. When it comes to being critical and direct – he is amongst the best.

His experience in getting vaccinated follows…

Vax 1 change

A change in the second dose appointment date is handed out.

I arrived at the vaccination station and security asked my name and designated vaccination time. They checked a list for validation.

I was 30 minutes early and was asked to return in 15 minutes (they did ask if I came by car and could wait in it) since it appeared that there was no real waiting area available inside the building (probably to avoid ‘crowding’).

After Security at the front door, I was then asked by Halton Staff to show my health card.

They then led me to the vaccination hall. Here there were three rows (A, B, C) each row containing 10 chairs (5 chairs side-by-side) in the row – all the chairs were separated by at least 6 feet.

On each chair was the literature that I have attached.

Each row of 5 was serviced by a Vaccination giver and an assistant. They went from client to client in their designated row (back and forth).

Before the vaccination, a number of questions were asked mostly to do with medication currently taken and any allergic reactions to specific medication.

If all was OK, then they gave you the shot of Phizer mRNA vaccine (make sure you have a short-sleeved shirt / vest on!).

After the vaccination, you were given a time that you could leave the vaccination area – 15 minutes from the time of the vaccination.

On leaving you were directed to the exit and again met by Halton staff who presented you with a Ministry of Heath certification of your vaccination and also the time and date of your second dose (note: this has been extended from 3 weeks to 4 months in order to give more people their first dose.)

Note: NO photos were permitted in the vaccination hall and this was strictly yet politely enforced. There also seemed to be security cameras scanning the whole operation

This was a very well organized operation with pleasant and helpful staff and the whole procedure from start to finish took approximately 30 minutes.

In fact, in my experience, from the initial registration phone call to the actual Pfizer ‘jab’ Halton should be complimented at their efficiency of delivery.

Vax 3 correct

Vax 2 what to do


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3 comments to Resident has nothing but good words for vaccination process

  • Ed Dorr

    I had mine yesterday afternoon , Feb 18 , at JBH and totally concur . Very impressive and very much appreciate the efforts by medical staff and volunteers to

  • john Purkis

    We have just returned from the Covid vaccine clinic at Jo Brant Hospital. Both my wife and I were very impressed with the process and have nothing but good things to say about the staff working at the clinic. Well done Burlington!

  • Having given my positive experience in the actual Halton-Burlington “Compass Point” operation I also like to give my hesitation in the effectiveness of the 1-dose vaccine. For example,
    “Clinical trials evaluating the Pfizer vaccine, which requires two shots given 21 days apart, reported an efficacy of 52 percent after the first dose.”
    “On the other hand the U.K.’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) calculated that the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine’s short-term efficacy was 89 percent between days 15 and 21 after the first dose”
    Although I feel that getting the vaccine is an essential first step in the right direction the conflicting effectiveness of 1-dose data makes me very cautious over the next 4-plus months (before the essential second dose – not to mention the unknown COVID variants) and I will not be changing my current precautions – namely, the mask / distancing / washing regime!