Rory Nisan is now a candidate for the ward 3 seat.

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

May 1st, 2018



If you were early enough ad got your appointment with the Clerk’s office to file your nomination papers today – you will have your web site up and be talking to financial supporters and have your first press release out.
Rory Nisan, community organizer and Canadian diplomat, has officially registered with the City of Burlington to become an official candidate for the city council election on October 22, 2018.

Bfast audience Nisan - scobie +

Rory Nisan, on the far right, at the Bfast Transit Forum where he heard just how much money is going to be needed to get to the point where transit can meet the current needs and the expected growth.

Nisan now begins to tell his story. Rory moved with his family to Brant Hills in 1989 when Rory was just seven years old.

Nisan’s platform is said to includes a careful and planned response to the city’s growth.

“We need to put our roads first — make them smooth and get the cars moving, while putting more people onto public transit. That is the only responsible way to manage growth in Burlington,” said Nisan.

The young man has yet to fully understand the city’s budget. The transit service is screaming for both capital investments and increases to the operating costs.

421 Brant

Candidate Nisan makes no mention of intensification in his first campaign media release.

The roads and infrastructure needs were so high that the city had to add a special levy that is dedicated to improving roads.

“We don’t want downtown Burlington to look like downtown Toronto, so let’s work together to find common ground to build a Burlington that works for everyone” advised Nisan. That’s the diplomat in him speaking.

Nisan is also concerned with building community, and ensuring Ward 3 residents get value for money.

Nisan added that with Councillor Taylor beginning a well-deserved retirement at the end of his term this year, Ward 3 needs someone with the right skills and experience to hit the ground running.

Campaign site

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3 comments to Rory Nisan is now a candidate for the ward 3 seat.

  • George Ward

    Rory will make an outstanding city councilor.

    I have had the pleasure of watching Rory in action:

    First in his delegations to the Halton District School Board Trustees in his efforts to Save Lester B Pearson high school from closure.

    Second in his work to better the Burlington community for which he was recognized for his effort and received one of the Burlington 150 awards.

    Rory is a true gentleman and debates his points with the strength of his research and professionalism.

    I highly recommend Rory for your Ward 3 councilman.

  • Hans

    Based on having read Rory’s comments in the Gazette, I wish that he had decided to run in Ward 6 so that I could vote for him. Burlington council needs him.

  • craig gardner

    I worked with Rory last year on the first One Burlington Festival which I believe was a huge success. For a first festival it was amazing. Rory did an excellent job with this festival pulling together a number of diverse groups for a great event. He has patience and listens and learns from those around him all good traits to have as new councillor. There is no room on council for non-team players. Good luck Rory.