Rural Burlington heard a promise from their MP to get them better internet access

News 100 greenBy Staff

November 10th, 2020



If money talks, and it usually does, the rural parts of Burlington and Milton are about to see significant improvements in the internet access service they have.

But – there seems to be money pouring in from all over the place. Town of Milton announced an internet access project that makes no mention of the federal funds.

Their money came from the province. Hard to keep up with all these people handing out cash hand over fist.

AVK on computerIn a prepared statement Adam van Koeverden,  Member of Parliament for Milton (the riding includes large part of rural Burlington) said “Canada is facing the most serious public health crisis in our history. COVID-19 has altered everything about our way of life. It has exposed and compounded existing inequalities and vulnerabilities and has hit rural communities hard.

A significant part of van Koeverden’s riding includes parts of Northern rural Burlington.  He wants to see better internet access for them

“For too many residents of our constituency, lack of access to reliable high-speed internet has a dramatic impact on quality of life. Now, more than ever, everyone needs reliable access to high-speed Internet as we work, learn and keep in touch with friends and family from home.

Our government has long recognized the need to connect every home, every business and every community to fast and dependable internet. That’s why we put forward the country’s first national strategy to achieve universal connectivity, backed up by billions of dollars in federal funding. We are already seeing results, having had approved projects and programs that will connect more than 1.7 million Canadian households to better, faster internet

Recognizing the need to accelerate that progress, today, MP Adam van Koeverden is announcing the launch of the enhanced and expanded Universal Broadband Fund (UBF), which will help improve high-speed Internet access and mobile connectivity across Canada. That includes underserved communities here in Milton. Originally designed as a $1 billion program, the Government has increased funding for UBF to $1.75 billion, recognizing the need to act swiftly to connect all Canadians.

The enhanced UBF also recognizes the need for urgency. Connectivity can’t wait and we will not allow government bureaucracy to stand in the way. That’s why the program now includes the Rapid Response Stream, an accelerated application process that will allow shovel-ready projects to get started right away. The application period is now open and community partners are encouraged to apply for funding.

And that is where the problem lies: Are there any “shovel ready “projects?

In our short conversation with the Member of Parliament for Milton we learned that there really isn’t anything the poor souls in Campbellville with lousy internet access can do. It is up to a sponsoring organization to take the first step and access some of the federal funds that are available. The federal government has said the money is there – now someone has to step forward and see if they qualify.

That doesn’t match the hype the federal government has wrapped this project in.
If money talks, and it usually does, the rural parts of Burlington and Milton are about to see significant improvements in the internet access service they have.

But – there seems to be money pouring in from all over the place. Town of Milton announced an internet access project that makes no mention of the federal funds.

Their money came from the province. Hard to keep up with all these people handing out cash hand over fist.

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