Schools to be closed for two weeks after Spring break - Performing Arts Centre to remain open.

News 100 redBy Staff

March 12th, 2020



The Minister of Education has issued a Ministerial Order to close all publicly funded schools in Ontario for two weeks following March break, in response to the emergence in Ontario of COVID-19.

This order was approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

This means that Ontario schools have been ordered to remain closed from March 14 through to April 5, 2020.

classroom empty

Classroom to remain empty for two weeks after Spring Break

The Cineplex movie theatre chain and the Burlington Performing Arts Centre have said they will continue to operate.

The National Hockey League has shut down for the balance of the season.

There are mixed message here which is the last thing we need.

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3 comments to Schools to be closed for two weeks after Spring break – Performing Arts Centre to remain open.

  • Fred

    I am glad elected officials at all levels are following Public Health recommendations to control the Corona virus. This maybe unprecedented and inconvenient but totally necessary. There is no need to panic we’re in good hands.

  • Jim Barnett

    This as about as stupid as it gets. The government is encouraging people to travel and then come home and take two weeks off to make sure they did not get the disease. Many people cannot afford to travel during spring break week and these are likely the same people who cannot afford to hire baby sitters for the following two weeks. Most smart people are discouraging travel and to stay in small groups with six feet of separation and lots of hand washing. A decision by a brain dead cabinet!

  • Penny Hersh

    BPAC in my opinion should not remain open. At the very least if they insist on business as usual then residents should be given the option of not attending a performance and a credit issued for them to purchase tickets in the future.

    Perhaps Community Centres in Burlington should also be shuttered for a few weeks until we know how our community will be affected by this virus.

    Better to be safe than sorry.