Soaring aluminum tubes decorate the Waterdown and Plains Road intersection in Aldershot - it is impressive!

artsblue 100x100By Staff

October 24th, 2017



The land that the latest piece of public art sits on has a sad story behind it but the soaring aluminum rods that artist Lilly Otasevic created is stunning.

Aldershot Public art #4

It is a sculpture that needs some time to be fully appreciated.

The sculpture, Crescendo (Rising Wave), was created to represent the contemporary and historic Aldershot Village.

Located at the intersection of Plains Road and Waterdown the theme of Crescendo links together the past, present and future of the neighbourhood. The term crescendo in music represents a gradual increase in loudness: a buildup to reach a point of great intensity.

This aligns with the change that has occurred in Aldershot Village over the years and is continuing today. The sculpture’s shape represents a hub of activity in the community. The wave shape reflects connection to the lake in the neighbourhood.

Lilly Ost,,,

Artist Lilly Otasevic

Lilly Otasevic was born and raised in Serbia, (then) Yugoslavia. She completed program at High School of Industrial Design in Belgrade, and studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Lilly moved to Canada in 1994, and since then has exhibited in Canada, USA and the Middle East.

A trained painter Otasevic’s main body of work consists of sculptural work. Her art is driven by her interests in nature and higher order of things in the universe. Her growing up in a society with recycling practices in the early 80s, has influenced Lilly’s interest in ecology and environment since childhood. She is using various materials presently focusing on reclaimed bricks. Lilly has successfully completed several large-scale public art sculptural, as well as industrial design projects in Ontario, Canada.

Aldershot public art - Waterdown and Plains #1

Walking around the tubes and you see something different each time.

Crescendo in music represents a gradual increase in loudness. In general terms, it refers to a build up to reach a point of great intensity, force, or volume. The angled tubes gradually increase in length and height and follow a twisting motion to create a rising and culminating wave.

Aldershot public art # 2

All that is missing is a small marker identifying the artist. It is a very impressive addition to the intersection.

The design of a rising wave was motivated by the desire to create a sculpture that demands attention and has a dynamic appearance, appearing as though it is moving, even though it is not.

Aldershot was once a thriving farming community and Plains Road all gravel. In time the road was THE road to Niagara Falls.

The community created a Village Vision that changed the character of the Plains Road.

Significant residential and commercial development is taking place.
In 2014 the city expropriated the land on which Murrays Convenience was located. It was needed to widen Waterdown Road where a large residential development is now under construction.

The city, and more particularly, the ward Councillor Rick Craven did nothing to protect the interests of the property owners.

Lee Murray Variety intersection

There was once a busy, bustling convenience store at the intersection. The city expropriated the land to widen Waterdown Road – took far more land then they needed and cheated the property owners.

Full story is worth reading.


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