Sound of Music gets provincial grant for just short of a quarter of a million; also adds a ticketed event this year.

som3 100By Pepper Parr

April 9, 2015


WO yellowIt was certainly the best phone call or letter that Dave Miller had the day he got notice from the province that they were going to drop $247,500 in pixie dust into his coffers. Pixie dust is that magical word event organizers use to describe funding they get. It is not money that is easily come by

The province is “investing” $19 million to support local Festivals and Events; this is a record number for the province that they say will draw tourists, create jobs and grow local economies.

Festival funding SoM +

Province sends big bucks to festivals and events across the province. Sound of Music and RibFest benefit

Through the Celebrate Ontario 2015 program, the province is helping 270 festivals and events, the highest number in the history of the program, celebrate Ontario’s diversity, heritage and culture. This support will help organizers enhance programming and services, attract new audiences and create jobs in the tourism sector.

The Sound of Music is getting $247,500 – RibFest is getting $90,000.

Trust ward 3 Councillor John Taylor to look at the Sound of Music budget a lot closer the next time they appear before the city asking for an increase in the grant they get from the city.

Sound of Music will be releasing their program for this summer in the near future – which will, for the first time included a ticketed event.

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2 comments to Sound of Music gets provincial grant for just short of a quarter of a million; also adds a ticketed event this year.

  • Mr. Wonderful

    The funding is fantastic news. Maybe we can also use some of that money to teach grammar and schpelling.

    Culture and Heritage are key ingredients to making this city better tomorrow than it is today.

    This councillor Taylor is too old to give an opinion on what is cool in this city; somebody please go wake him up.

  • Roger

    My taxes are my admission cost – guess the website banner FREE need to be changed.

    SOM has gotten to big for the pants it wants to wear – what it bring to Burlington to what is costs – my suggestion – find a new home