Sports fields closed due to foul weather

News 100 blueBy Staff

August 14, 2015


We are having our share of rain – and it is interrupting what people can do in the parks

The following Sport fields are closed on Friday August 14, 2015:

Ireland D1 & D2
Millcroft D1 & D2
Nelson D1
Sherwood Forest D1, D2, D3, D4

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2 comments to Sports fields closed due to foul weather

  • Marie

    “fowl weather” or “foul weather”? It almost sounds like it will rain chickens and turkeys!

    Editor’s note: We were certainly turkeys with this goof. Do forgive us.

  • Brian

    Shouldn’t that read “FOUL” or are the fields full of chickens?

    Editor’s note: Mercy please – mercy – two readers caught the terrible elementary school level error