By Staff
April 1, 2015
It is close, you can almost feel it – but it isn’t here yet – is it?
The warm weather doesn’t have to be here to get BurlingtonGreen Environmental Association, in partnership with the City of Burlington, getting the word out on their annual event.
Citizens, schools, churches, community groups and businesses can participate in this year’s Community Clean Up Green Up events taking place from 9:00 to noon on Saturday April 25th and Saturday May 30th, 2015.
Since 2010, the city-wide clean-up efforts have collectively realized the retrieval and proper disposal of more than 10,000 kg (10 tonnes) of litter, with a record high of 13,500 participants in 2013 who registered to do their part to help make Burlington’s parks, streams, school yards, and neighbourhoods cleaner and greener.
Registration for this year’s events is NOW OPEN on the Burlington Green website
There will be three locations in Alton Village.
1. Rotary way and Dundas at the pond
2. Settlement Court and Thomas Alton
3. Cornerstone and Ferguson – the walkway to the ponds
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