Strong shore-bound winds today and into tomorrow - caution for those at the lakes' edge.

News 100 greenBy Staff

May 18th, 2018



Conservation Halton staff is advising of strong shore-bound winds today and into tomorrow.

Sustained winds between 25 and 40 km/hr from the east/northeast with gusts of up to 50 km/hr are occurring across western Lake Ontario. Resulting wave heights up to 1.5 m are expected.

Storm waves Flemming #3

The Authority is asking all residents and children to keep a safe distance from locations in proximity to the shoreline. Elevated water levels, high sustained winds and gusts, and the potential for waves to overtop breakwalls and other shoreline structures continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.

This Shoreline Warning will be in effect through Saturday May 19, 2018.

A Shoreline Hazard Warning is defined as a notice that critical high water levels and waves are imminent and/or occurring, which could result in shoreline flooding and/or erosion.

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