By Staff
April 29th, 2019
If you happen to see a lot of smoke in the air near the fire station on Fairview – relax. The smoke is part of an awareness workshop taking place on Friday, May 3rd.
The Fire Department is hosting a Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TransCAER) First Responder Awareness Workshop on Friday at Fire Headquarters.
The Flammable Liquids Fire Suppression Training at approximately 2 p.m. will produce black smoke that will be visible from the highway. Please do NOT call 911.
First Responder Awareness Workshop will include rail awareness, tanker training and Flammable Liquids Fire Suppression Training
TransCAER, a voluntary national outreach effort that focuses on assisting communities to prepare for and to respond to a possible hazardous materials transportation incident, will be providing the training.
TRANSCAER® members consist of volunteer representatives from the chemical manufacturing, transportation, distributor, and emergency response industries, as well as the government.
The training will take place between 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Flammable Liquids Fire Suppression Training runs from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
One of the training objectives is to make sure that local first responders are informed about the products being moved through this area by road and rail, and what measures are in place to ensure their safe transportation.
Remember – if you see a lot of black smoke – do not call 911.