By Pepper Parr
BURLINGTON, ON October 4, 2011 – This is the part of the week you get to think about who you are going to vote for. On Thursday when you go to the polls, you get to act on the decision you make.
Let’s talk about the thinking you are going to do. Will you vote for the party or the person ? If you decide at this point that you will vote for the party no matter what – well then you’re some kind of an idiot or at best an irresponsible citizen.
Political parties, like any other organization, have to be held accountable by both the voters and the members of that political party. It is irresponsible to vote for a party because you have always voted for them. Paddy Torsney, the former Liberal member of parliament for Burlington learned the hard way what voters do with a political party they no longer trust.
Most people, once they`ve thought about it, find a political party that reflects their views on the way society should be ordered. And if you`re at all active in your community you support that party with a financial contribution and perhaps take a lawn sign.
And should the party you support deviate from its core principles, a sensible, rationale person would withdraw their support. If the local political party association forgets what its job is and puts forward an unqualified candidate the rationale human being would withdraw their support. There are occasions when the party is critically important. Is that the case today in Burlington. This city has elected conservatives since 1943 – and what does the city have to show for that support. Certainly not a hospital and the conservatives are talking about significant changes to the geography of the northern part of the city.
The hospital we have is in desperate need of an upgrade and it needs much better funding. One floor of the hospital isn`t even open – because the President of the hospital can`t get the funding he needs to open up the beds on the floor of the hospital that is closed. The current member and the member before her didn`t do all that much for the hospital. The hospital got so run down and so difficult to keep clean that it had a serious C.difficile outbreak that resulted in the loss of more than 90 lives. That kind of funding failure in any community is criminal.
If the member of the Legislature or the House of Commons cannot deliver for the community then you might want to look for a person who can deliver. A member who sits in the opposition seats isn`t exactly a cripple – they have a telephone and they can make phone calls and badger the bureaucrats until they do something for you.
While being part of the government certainly has its advantages – it doesn`t solve all the problems. What a community needs is a member of the Legislature or the House of Commons who understands the community, cares about the community and has the smarts to get the job done.
Running for city council and winning a seat at that level is usually part of the job training that a person goes through as they progress through the ranks. Nothing wrong with that. Having someone who is immersed in politics is a plus for a community. The person believes and loves the job – and it is people like that who deliver for the community.
Is it the person or the party ? You always have that choice. And right now Burlington has two very good choices if you take the view that the person matters. If you take the view that the party is what really matters – then you have a choice for a candidate that will have a very long learning curve and there is no assurance at all that the candidate has the capacity to make it through that curve.
The party or the person?