Targeted Traffic Enforcement - the police like it - because it works.

News 100 redBy Staff

November 16th, 2016



It worked very well for them last time – so why not do it again?

The Regional police found a winner when they were able to issue 117 tickets by running a Targeted Traffic Enforcement program driven by complaints from the public.

HRPS crestThe Halton Regional Police continue to address the numerous traffic complaints provided from the residents of Burlington each day. The police continue to encourage residents to report traffic complaints by going to the Halton Regional Police Website and submitting the required information on-line.

A large number of traffic complaints received by police relate to drivers exceeding the posted speed limits. Officers will continue to target areas throughout the City of Burlington that have been identified as high traffic complaint locations.

Officers conducted a one day targeted blitz around Prospect Street in the City of Burlington on November 15th due to a number of complaints forwarded by residents of Burlington. As a result of police presence all along Prospect Street in the City of Burlington, 123 traffic stops were initiated for Highway Traffic Act violations and 90 Provincial Offence Notices were issued by police.

30 Division Officers will continue to conduct target enforcement throughout Burlington to ensure the safety of all residents using the roadways. “Drivers need to be mindful of their actions when behind the wheel. Speeding, distracted driving and stop sign violations were all observed by officers along Prospect Street. Our officers will continue to target areas throughout Burlington in order to deter these types of behaviours by drivers.” said Sgt. Jared McLeod of the District Response Unit.

The Halton Regional Police Service is committed to reducing dangerous and aggressive driving behaviors that put all road users at risk.

If any citizen would like to report a traffic concern they can do so by visiting our website and submitting an online traffic complaint,

Related articles:

More than 115 tickets issued by police that originated with citizen complaints.

Stories people tell police when they get pulled over – and the language they use.

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3 comments to Targeted Traffic Enforcement – the police like it – because it works.

  • CityBiker

    Cyclists are a real danger! Risking everyone’s lives because they don’t have a bell! Or lights! And what about the cost of healthcare because these freewheeling cyclists don’t wear helmets!
    And riding on the sidewalk! That’s why the city gave you bike lanes on New st!

    Wait…what are we complaining about?

    • Phillip

      A cyclist in Toronto, riding on a pedestrian walkway, hit an 84 year old woman, resulting in her death. He then fled the scene and has not been apprehended. That is two CRIMINAL offences! So despite your obvious sarcasm, cyclists do need to accept their responsibilities rather than try to make them someone else’s problem.

  • Stephen White

    Wow! How impressive!

    Here’s what isn’t impressive. In September I filed a Freedom of Information request with Halton Regional Police to see how many charges were laid in the City of Burlington under various statutes of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act dealing with bicycle infractions. Those statues are 62(17) – improper lighting, 74 – lack of a bell, 104 (2.1) – not wearing a helmut, 142 – failure to signal, and 144(29) – riding on sidewalks.

    Here are the results:

    Charge 2013 2014 2015

    62 (17) 0 1 2
    74 3 4 3
    104 (2.1) 0 2 0
    142 287 281 200
    144 (29) 2 3 4

    I also filed an FOI request to see how many charges were laid under Burlington Municipal By-law 053-1990. That’s a little known by-law passed by the City in 1990 which prohibits cyclists from riding more than 2 abreast. In the past 3 years Halton Regional Police haven’t laid a single charge.

    By all means let’s get tough on bad driving and speeding. However, there are also some pretty erratic cycling behaviours in this City that go unchecked. Many of us have been wondering for quite some time when Halton Regional Police are going to start getting tough on rogue cyclists…or perhaps this doesn’t warrant scrutiny.