Taroo Enomoto sent Burlington a cheque for $1020- funds will be used by the ROCK.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

March 2, 2018



Mr. Taroo Enomoto, lives in Burlington’s twin city, Itabashi, Japan.

In the past 29 years he has personally donated close to $40,000 to the city including a donation of rhododendrons to the Paletta Lakefront Mansion.

Mayor and one of Burlington's biggest benefactors Mr ccc xxx

Taroo Enomoto waving to people watching the 2012 Sound of Music parade. This man from Japan has donated close to $40,00 to the city of Burlington.

Next week the city will accept the most recent donation; $1,022 to the Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK).

Mr. Enomoto was in Burlington for a visit a number of years ago.

He is a small man who doesn’t speak English and found himself in the Council Chamber accepting a recognition and appreciation scroll from the Mayor. Burlington apparently doesn’t have a “key” to the city that it presents.

A day later Mr. Enomoto was in a car that was in a parade waving to people on the street.

There is something both quaint and honourable about this man – he took to Burlington and made it a part of the way he lives his life.

The cheque presentation will take place next week.

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