March 2, 2018
Mr. Taroo Enomoto, lives in Burlington’s twin city, Itabashi, Japan.
In the past 29 years he has personally donated close to $40,000 to the city including a donation of rhododendrons to the Paletta Lakefront Mansion.

Taroo Enomoto waving to people watching the 2012 Sound of Music parade. This man from Japan has donated close to $40,00 to the city of Burlington.
Next week the city will accept the most recent donation; $1,022 to the Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK).
Mr. Enomoto was in Burlington for a visit a number of years ago.
He is a small man who doesn’t speak English and found himself in the Council Chamber accepting a recognition and appreciation scroll from the Mayor. Burlington apparently doesn’t have a “key” to the city that it presents.
A day later Mr. Enomoto was in a car that was in a parade waving to people on the street.
There is something both quaint and honourable about this man – he took to Burlington and made it a part of the way he lives his life.
The cheque presentation will take place next week.