BURLINGTON, ON May 25, 2012 TED – Technology, Entertainment and Design – have you heard about it? It appeared in the mid 80’s and became an international rage for a period of time. TED’s early emphasis was largely technology and design, consistent with a Silicon Valley center of gravity. The events are now held in Long Beach and Palm Springs in the U.S. and in Europe and Asia, offering live streaming of the talks. They address an increasingly wide range of topics within the research and practice of science and culture. The speakers are given a maximum of 18 minutes to present their ideas in the most innovative and engaging ways they can. While still influential, what the operators of the organization have done is use a marketing practice – extend the brand so that we now have TEDx – and that’s what’s coming to Burlington on Sunday.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. This event is called TEDxBurlington, where x = independently organized TED event. At the TEDxBurlington event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
The event, which is working from the theme Passion for Compassion, will take place at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre followed by a reception at ThinkSpot on Locust Street. Attendance is limited to just 100 people and – sorry but the tickets are SOLD OUT. However, you will be able to go on line and see each of the six 18 minute segments.
The TEDx Burlington was brought to town by Spencer Caldwell who has tapped everyone he knows for help on this one and has been fortunate enough to get some local support.
Speakers include:
Arthur Fleischmann lives with his wife, Tammy Starr, and their three children, Matthew, Taryn and Carly, in Toronto, Canada, where he is partner and president of john st. advertising – one of Canada’s top creative, digital and design agencies. Born in New York, he grew up in the Boston area and attended Brandeis University, where he graduated with a B.A. in English Literature and Economics. He later earned an M.B.A. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.
Arthur co-wrote “Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism” with his 17 year old daughter, Carly. One of the first books to explore firsthand the challenges of living with autism, Carly’s Voice brings readers inside a once–secret world, in the company of an inspiring young woman who has found her voice and her mission. As you will hear, his ‘Idea Worth Spreading’ is don’t judge a book by its cover!

Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese,is founder and executive director of Save the Mothers and has been consulted by the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office as an expert in maternal health.
Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese, is an internationally recognized expert in women’s reproductive health and winner of the Canadian Royal College’s second Teasdale-Corti Humanitarian Award. Dr. Chamberlain Froese has volunteered in some of the world’s poorest countries to make childbirth a safer experience. She is founder and executive director of Save the Mothers (STM) International, an organization dedicated to saving some of the 340,000 mothers within developing countries who die in childbirth every year.
Dr. Chamberlain Froese spends eight months of the year at the Uganda Christian University and four months in Canada advocating for safe motherhood, while teaching and working clinically at McMaster University in Hamilton. She is an associate professor in obstetrics and gynecology and co-directs the McMaster International Women’s Health Program. She has written a book, “Where Have All the Mothers Gone” and is also co-editor of the 2006 book “Women’s Health in the Majority World: Issues and Initiatives.” She was a special guest speaker for the Youth Summit of the G8 meeting in 2010 and has been consulted by the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office as an expert in maternal health.
Besides Uganda, during her career Dr. Chamberlain Froese has also spent time in Yemen, Pakistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Congo and Russia doing work for women’s health. In 2006, she was one of only six individuals worldwide presented with the Distinguished Community Service Award from the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO), recognizing her outstanding contribution to the health of mothers around the world.
Josh Nelson, at the age of 9, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. After enduring a 10 hour surgery, seizures, a stroke, a post-surgery syndrome that left him unable to walk or talk, 31 radiation treatments and 52 weeks of chemo, it became clear he was a fighter.
“I am now a nine year cancer survivor and I have not taken this title lightly. I have been invited by several community groups to share my story of hope and inspiration and have participated in many community events to help support a cause that’s close to my heart. One such event was the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride where, in 2009, I gave a speech in Burlington.
“I asked the riders to “ride for me until the day I can ride along side you myself.” They listened, and in 2010, my dream came true. On a tandem bike with Drew Molnar I rode across Ontario from Thunder Bay to Ottawa in an unforgettable life-changing five day journey. Last September, Mark Burger and I cycled tandem all the way across Canada on a 16-day, 7,000 km epic adventure from Vancouver to Halifax in the fourth annual Sears National Kids Cancer Ride.”
Michael Jones: Through the beauty of his music and the inspiration of his stories Canadian Michael Jones, a Juno nominated pianist/composer, leadership educator and award-winning author of Artful Leadership and Creating an Imaginative Life offers a unique and memorable experience. “Who will play your music if you don’t?” he asks. By asking the question that he was once asked, Michael takes us on a journey to explore the heart of our own creativity. In so doing he engages others in a uniquely evocative exploration of how, through our gifts we can co- create environments where people can learn… and ideas can grow.
Michael’s 1983 debut recording PIANOSCAPES was the first release on the Narada/EMI Record label and also served as a benchmark for the popular genre of contemporary instrumental music. Since that time he went on to produce fifteen more solo and ensemble recordings, appeared on more than twenty compilations and sold more than two million of his recordings worldwide.
Michael has performed in many settings including the Setagaya Art Museum in Tokyo Japan, the Seoul Art Center in Korea and The International Piano Festival in Montreal, Canada. He has also been a featured keynote speaker in leadership forums alongside such widely recognized thought leaders as Colin Powell, Peter Senge, Margaret J. Wheatley and Peter Block. And he has introduced his art in the facilitation of many large group engagement processes and worked with innovation teams within several leading global businesses exploring the synergies between creative artistry, authentic leadership and collective learning and innovation.
Patrick O’Neill has been studying the wisdom traditions of the world for over 25 years and has integrated them into his extensive teaching, mentoring and consulting work. He has worked with thousands of people, and scores of teams and is acknowledged as a gifted teacher, mediator and mentor.
Since 1988, Patrick has led Extraordinary Conversations Inc., a leader in transformational change management with organizations and individuals. His clients have included The Walt Disney Company, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Ontario Pension Board, Nestle, Labatt Breweries of Canada, Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, The Boeing Company, and the Adrian Dominican Sisters.
Patrick O’Neill’s work has taken him to global corporations in North America and Europe; to the townships of South Africa; and to the peace process in the Middle East.
Scott Graham is a bestselling author, singer/song writer and sought after keynote speaker. Scott has inspired leadership skills in children for over twenty years. He has created the Kids 4 Kids Leadership Programs, summer camps and Heroes Academy, positively affecting over 18 000 children. One of Scott Graham’s Kids 4 Kids graduates, received a personal invitation from Nelson Mandela as the result of his leadership endeavours.

A leader in the Human Resources field Trish Barbato is also a certified fitness instructor, certified meditation instructor and a black belt in Kung Fu kickboxing. She is a CMA and a CA as well. Wow!
Patricia (Trish) Barbato is the author of “Inspire Your Career” and a recognized authority and speaker on career and leadership topics. She is currently Senior Vice President, Home Health and Business Development for Revera Inc., a health services and accommodation organization in North America. Trish oversees over 5,000 employees across Canada and is responsible for service-based acquisitions. Prior to Revera, Trish served as President and Chief Executive Officer of COTA Health; Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer for Providence Healthcare and Managing Director at Bayshore Healthcare.
Trish has been involved extensively with charities and non-profit groups. She is Past Chair, Big Brothers Big Sisters Council of Champions, Board Director, Quality Healthcare Network and founder and Director of the Shambhala Meditation Centre of Mississauga. She is a Big Sister to Little Sister Caitlin. A graduate of the University of Waterloo, Ms. Barbato is a Certified General Accountant and a Chartered Accountant. She is also a certified fitness instructor, certified meditation instructor and a black belt in Kung Fu kickboxing.
Spencer Campbell, the man behind the idea of bringing TEDx to Burlington has lived in the city most of his life with the exception of times spent in Asia, Western Canada and a few other interesting places. A business consultant who encourages respectful honest debate, he has dealt with many leading corporations to start-ups. Spencer has travelled extensively, including, among other places, to Mt. Everest, Calcutta (where he met Mother Theresa) and the awe-inspiring ancient cave drawings of the Dordogne, France. Ask him what it felt like to look up and see a chalk outline of a mammoth drawn by one of our ancestral cave dwellers.
In 2010 Spencer was part of the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride team that cycled from Vancouver to Halifax in 15 days to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer needs. “Working with a dedicated team, I am thrilled to help bring to our terrific city the prestigious TEDx event – the first of what is expected to be an annual event to listen, learn, reflect and share many great ideas.”
It’s quite a line up and another interesting first for Burlington. While the tickets are sold out – you will be able to go on line sometime after the event and watch all six of the 18 minute presentations. The material will be at: https://tedxburlington.com/ and we will let you know when it is all on line.