By Staff
June 1st, 2020
Is the cheque in the mail?
Not yet, but Burlington Member of Parliament Karina Gould (who is also a Cabinet Minister) assures everyone that – well let’s let the MP speak for herself:
“Over the past week, a number of Burlington residents have contacted my office asking when they will be receiving the one time Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement Payments.
“This one time payment will be a separate payment to the OAS and GIS cheques that seniors receive at the end of each month. I can assure you that these payments will be delivered automatically as soon as possible and that beneficiaries do not need to apply. Further details will be available soon.”
Soon is the best they can do at this point.
Some people are complaining that the $300 bonus should not be paid to everybody. If you don’t need the money – give it to charity !
The check is coming and so is Christmas…