The bigger picture: height recommendations for the two concepts plus locations of historical and commercial operations.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

November 27th, 2019



The Gazette has, or is in the process of, publishing news stories on each of the nine precincts the city planning department set out.

Those precincts are a part of a plan for the downtown core that, once approved will be part of the city’s adopted but not yet approved approved Official Plan.

In order to get a bigger sense as to what the city could look like we have set out below a number of maps that provide detail for all of the downtown core including heights recommended for Concept # 1 and Concept #2, as well as maps showing where commercial and retail will be located and where the designated historical properties are located.

Immediately below is a map that shows the precinct boundaries.  The maps that follow are overlays with very specific data.

Figure 5 precinct boundaries

This map shows the boundaries for the precincts that will be created once the work on the revisions has been completed.

Get the name 7

This map shows what has been built and what is planned.

Registered and designated

This map shows where the designated historical properties in the downtown core are located along with those that are on the city registry.


Retail and mixed streets

This map shows those streets that will have retail and other commercial operations.

Heights concept 1

Proposed building heights for Concept 1

Heights concept 2

Proposed heights for concept 2

Related articles:
The outline

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