By Pepper Parr
May 1st, 2018
There is more – the Doug Ford idea on allowing development to take place in the Greenbelt wasn’t his – it came from some of the best minds in the development industry.
The development industry – the corporations that have banked land in rural Burlington with the hope that someday – maybe – the rules on development in the Escarpment will change.
Their day appears to have come.
Doug Ford listened to the public and dismissed the idea of development on the Greenbelt.
Over the years the McGuinty and Wynne Liberals have dismissed the public and proceeded with their own ideas that upset the public.
It makes mores sense to vote for Doug Ford than Kathleen Wynne.
Where I come from this is called a Flip Flop and who knows what he will actually do if heaven forbid he gets in power. The similarities to him and trump are striking and some of his other policies are unbelievable regressive. It makes absolutley no sense to vote for Doug Ford. His brother was Toronto’s worst mayor ever Doug will be Ontarios worst premier ever he will make Mike Harris and Bos Rae look like super stars.
Money talks and peoples fear of not having access to affordable housing outweighs mother earth protection….humans have to learn to live without paving over green space, green space once gone never to return. Developers greed, weak Politian’s.
Best reason yet amongst many NOT to vote for Doug Ford.