The Downtown mobility hub with the 30 towers.

background 100By Pepper Parr

October 20th, 2018



Home work.

The graphics set out below are on the small side – the content is important if you want to understand what the Planning department is suggesting.

The first graphic is of the Downtown mobility hub that is for the most part on the eastern side of Brant Street from Lakeshore on the south to Prospect on the north.

There are small boxes with numbers which indicate the height that will be permitted on different properties.

During the election campaign ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward, a candidate for Mayor, has been saying that there will be 30 towers in the Downtown Mobility hub – Mayor Goldring doesn’t deny that – but adds that the 30 would be at “build out”.

In order to fully appreciate what this looks like we have broken the large graphic, which is shown first,  into three parts which allows you to see the streets and the number of buildings and their height that are proposed.

Burlington aerial

The city from the air – getting a closer look at the plans for new structures and proposed heights.

DT Mob hub

The Downtown Mobility hub that runs from Lakeshore Road north to Prospect. At build-out you won’t recognize the city.

Now that graphic above broken into smaller pieces.

Part 1 DT MB

The section from Prospect south the Baldwin.




Part 2 DT MB

The section from Baldwin to Elgin – the band of green is the pathway that will run through the city from about the Performing Arts Centre to Maria.

Part 3 DT MB

From Elgin to the lake. Burlington’s new look. The map doesn’t show what the Plan B group have in mind for the Waterfront Hotel site that is going to get redeveloped at some point. Downtown might become a construction site for the next decade.

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9 comments to The Downtown mobility hub with the 30 towers.

  • Ted Griffith

    Downtown development impacts the whole city, dear editor Not just the people that live there. To say “one” of the candidates is involving people who will be impacted alludes to “only one”. Not true. You know it .Wallace has promised public input at the beginning of the process,. Not the end . Biased journalism

  • Hans

    With all the expected high rise densification being planned and the consequent congestion, Immobility Hub seems more appropriate.

  • Susie

    My take, is to keep the down”town”, both sides of Brant, Carolyn to Lakeshore, as a boutique style shopping/business neighbourhood with buildings no higher than 4 (ideal), to 6 Max.(that number includes the “ridiculous added heights for commnity benefits” allowed by the City. Lakeshore Road fronting the lake side should not be any higher than 4. Our density targets have been met, so lets do this tastefully and proper. Too many “oops” by the City is not the reputation Burlington deserves.
    Like your idea Judy for location of the AGB, and my add: with max. 3 storeys and the top being a restaurant. The immediate lakeside should plan development as mentioned, or recreational related for the use of “all” Burlington Ward residents and people from all over the world to admire, enjoy and be proud of. Greed and $$$ thinking needs to take a step back sooner than later!!!!

  • Don Fletcher

    Ted & Craig: There is a great proverb that goes “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit”. An Official Plan is designed to serve Burlington for the long term, quite apart from whether we individually are here or not to experience its’ effect.

  • Judy christie

    Would it not be wonderful for our city if the AGB was moved to Waterfront hotel site? Imagine a low building full of art and art classes with a cafe attached. Imagine how many people would be drawn to Spencer Smith Park then. Art on the Park. Hmmm..

  • Craig Gardner

    Ted Griffith totally agree with your comments obliterating major parts of brant a blessing butt ugly fiesta not equal quaint a lot of folks with issues wont even be around when build out is complete all one needs to do is look how long the tall building beside waterfront hotel us taking it has been I believe decades since approved and still a long way to go

  • Ted Griffith

    Not pleased to see the Gazette fostering the fear mongering so present in this campaign. None of us recognize the downtown from 30 years ago either .if you’re old enough you’ll remember boarded up stores and a bus station where Village Square now exists. The so-called “build out” if it happens will take decades with each property debated by the community and council. MMW tells us that downtown will be “obliterated”. Well, the corner of Brant and Lakeshore used to be a gas station. Change happens and it only must be managed – not feared .

    Editor’s note: Change does happen. One of the candidates in the election that will take place on Monday is advocating for change that involves the people it is going to impact.

    • Actually Ted they will not be debated by Councl. After the new OP is approved staff will update the zoning to allow high-rises as a right. They will be rubber stamped by staff with no involvement from Council unless they want ever greater heights.