By Pepper Parr
November 10th, 2020
Politics is not what it used to be.
The city is working towards a meeting with Hamilton to figure out a way to continue the lease of the chunk of land in the west end that is actually owned by the City of Hamilton but used by Burlington.
LaSalle Park has been leased from Hamilton for the past 38 years; that lease is up in two years. Burlington wanted to buy the land – Hamilton apparently didn’t want to sell it.
The lease we have now was negotiated by then Councillor Walter Mulkewich and Councillor Brechin.
Mulkewich went on to become Mayor.
The story he tells goes like this:
The Park has never been within the boundaries of the City of Hamilton; it is just a piece of property they own.

LaSalle Park boundary
Also, Hamilton Harbour Commissioners have a significant voice in what happens on the shoreline and adjacent water, and the dock, and area where the boaters winter store their boats.
And, technically the dock is in Hamilton as are all the boats that are docked there.
And, I believe the Pavilion is designated as a building of historical significance by Burlington, with Hamilton’s approval.
Burlington maintains the parkland, the walkway, the dock, and the shoreline walkway as per agreement.
And, the LaSalle Marina Association of boaters is a powerful entity and will be involved.
It will be interesting to see how the elected people in Hamilton and Burlington deal with the lease when the lease ends in 2023, only two years from now.
I bet they will renew the lease and live happily ever after, as they should.

Walter Mulkewich, former Burlington Mayor
Maybe the two Councils will have a friendly ball game to celebrate as we did in the eighties – but Burlington does not have enough Councillors to make a ball team of nine.
In Mulkewich’s time the Burlington City Council consisted of 17 people.
Related news story:
What it costs to run LaSalle Park.