The government we have this morning is not the government we are going to have tomorrow morning. That is a decision you are going to make today.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

June 7th, 2018



Now it is all in your hands.

Remembrance Day wreaths - dozens at cenotaph

We paid for this right with the lives of many of our sons and fathers – and some of our sisters and mothers as well.

The right we have to choose who governs us has been expensive. We paid for this right with the lives of many of our sons and fathers – and some of our sisters and mothers as well.

They are depending on us to make wise choices; to not let our emotions or ideologies get in the way of important decisions.

The government we have this morning is not the government we are going to have tomorrow morning. The government we had lost the right to govern because they failed to listen and to understand what it is we wanted.

We may not have been all that clear on letting them know just what it is we do want.

The people who put a mark on a ballot are never wrong.

Just make sure that you are one of the people putting a mark on a ballot. Think hard and go with what you believe is best for the society you are the most important part of.

Going forward you get to decide what you think is best for all of us.

Salt with Pepper is the opinions, thoughts and reflections of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette.

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