The Halton Conservation Authority as you know it is under threat; have your say

News 100 greenPepper Parr

March 11th, 2020



The Halton Conservation Authority is much more than the group that operates the ski lifts at Mt Kelso, and maintains the trail up to Mt Nemo or runs the historically significant Crawford Lake setting – not to mention the excellent Iroquoian settlements in the Region.

Cons Auth visual projects

Restoration is a large part of the Conservation Authority mandate.

They monitor the state of the watershed and now have a complex set of devices that measure the water levels and flow rates across the northern part of Burlington as well as numerous other locations in Halton.

The Conservation Authority is a critical part of watching over the environment which is a significantly different business than it was five years ago.

We now experience radical climate changes and someone has to be on the front line ensuring that we become aware of the problems and have warning systems in place.

The Conservation Authority as we know it is under threat due to changes that are being proposed by the provincial government.

A survey is being done – final date to have your say is March 13th.

CLICK HERE to get to the survey.

It’s your community – have your say.

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2 comments to The Halton Conservation Authority as you know it is under threat; have your say

  • Alide Camilleri

    I agree with Rob Allen, but still filled the survey in as best I could and probably said more than required.

  • Rob Allan

    Whoever designed this governemnt survey made it deliberately difficult for the general public to understand and complete.