The Stay Frosty guy is back - setting up shop at the Beaver and the Bulldog August 25th.

eventspink 100x100By Pepper Parr

July 22, 2016



He is back!

James Burchill

James B. (Le Grand Fromage)

That Stay Frosty Guy – who has upgraded his stage name to James B. (Le Grand Fromage)

A shameless self-promoter who does put together pretty decent networking session out of which he appears to earn a living.

His Social Fusion Network is back up and running. He asks: If you want free b2b networking note the date August 25th, 5:00 pm at the Beaver & Bulldog, 2020 Lakeshore Road, – the Waterfront Hotel.

To date he has 48 people going; he usually draws close to 100.

It's all about networking.

It’s all about networking.

Just bring yourself (hey, why not invite a colleague?) some cash for the venue (drinks, parking etc.) your business cards and best smile and you’re all set!

The main website >>

Follow him on Twitter >>

Like him on Facebook >>

Burchill said that if I published this for him – he would buy me a pony. He lied – but he is a likable fellow and if you are new to Burlington – the network is a good place to meet people.

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3 comments to The Stay Frosty guy is back – setting up shop at the Beaver and the Bulldog August 25th.

  • tenni

    This is highly skeptical. When you go to the website you need to give your email address before you get in to see this informaition. A weak rationale is given that they will keep your email private and not “give” it to spam.

  • tenni

    This is highly skeptical. When you go to the website you need to give your email address before you get in to see this informaiton. A weak rationale is given that they will keep your email private and not “give” it to spam.

  • Cool beans, and thank you Most appreciated exposure for SFN.

    PS. The pony is on back order, apparently there’s a postal dispute 😉
