The unanimous vote was the easy part - school board will now launch a communications initiative looking for a way to lower the number of parents who want their kids in French Immersion.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

June 17th, 2016


With a unanimous agreement to accept the staff recommendation on just when French Immersion classes should start attention now has to be given to just how this might work out and the processes that need to be put in place to monitor.

Both Director Stuart Miller and Associate Director David Boag responded to trustee questions regarding the entry point to the program, the intensity of immersion, role of instructional staff in assisting parents to make an informed decision regarding entry to the program, special needs students and supports for their success.

We speak french hereMiller confirmed the French Advisory Committee will be reconstituted to look at implementation and ongoing issues. Two minor but related motions were passed.

Hammil + Miller

Director of Education Stuart Miller on the right.

One was to ensure that an annual report be added to the report schedule (starting in 2018), outlining the percentage and number of Grade 1 students in each elementary school that have registered for French Immersion or English programs for the following year, and that this report highlight any schools where fewer than 20 students have registered for the Grade 2 English program and that any school where registration percentages for French Immersion have increased from prior years and provide an action plan to address the enrollment in those schools.

The trustees resolved that additional minutes be added to the Core French Program. A recommendation will be brought back to the Board.

With the decision to introduce French Immersion at the grade two level and not do so until the 2017/18 year the board has time to prepare and to put processes in place to measure the changes.

During the discussion Wednesday evening Director Miller advised the board that the current uptake of French Immersion could not remain at the current level. He said it was not sustainable and that he felt a reduction in the order of about 7.5% was needed.

The gamble for the board is that the decision they made Wednesday evening will allow parents to rethink how French Immersion is going to be managed in Halton.

It will be a challenge.

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