There are a lot of people driving very dangerously - 1381 charges laid.

Crime 100By Staff

May 30th, 2018



The results of the 2018 Canada Road Safety Week (CRSW) Enforcement initiative was nothing to be proud of – from May 15-21, 2018, the Halton Regional Police Service conducted heightened traffic enforcement on area roadways. Officers focused on what has become known as the ‘Big 3’ road safety issues: aggressive driving, distracted driving and impaired operation – by alcohol and/or drug.

During the Safety Week, which included the Victoria Day Long Weekend, Halton Regional Police Service officers laid a total of 2,538 charges and warnings related to all forms of driving offences.

The top charges laid were as follows:

1. Speeding, Careless Driving and Stunt Driving (1,381 charges);
2. Documentary infractions-licencing and insurance (210 charges);
3. Fail to Yield (202 charges);
4. Cell phone- electronic devices (146 charges); and
5. Seatbelts (20 charges)

Police cruiserThe total number of charges laid represents a 22 per cent increase over the number of charges laid during the 2017 CRSW campaign and a 33 per cent increase over the number of charges laid during the 2016 CRSW campaign.

As part of CRSW enforcement, Halton Police conducted a variety of proactive initiatives, including R.I.D.E., to specifically address the ongoing concern of motorists choosing to drive while impaired, whether by alcohol and/or by drug.

The following results were obtained:

• 13 drivers were charged with driving while ability impaired and/or driving over 80mgs or Fail/Refuse to provide sample which resulted in criminal charges, an immediate licence suspension and vehicle impoundment (compared with 14 in 2017)

• 1 driver was charged with impaired by drug or Fail/Refuse to provide sample, which resulted in criminal charges, an immediate licence suspension and vehicle impoundment (compared with 3 in 2017)

• 13 drivers were found to be driving in the alcohol warn range, with roadside breath testing resulting in 3/7/30-day roadside suspensions (compared with 23 in 2017)

Of note, 3 of the 13 motorists who had their licence suspended for a warn range alcohol reading had their licence previously suspended for the same offence.

If you observe a vehicle being operated in a manner which places you or anyone else in danger, please call 9-1-1 for an immediate police response.

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