There is some light at the end of the afforable housing tunnel - now to get city council to bring the program to Burlington.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

October 20th, 2017



They all gathered at the Regional office in Oakville and talked up the new funding for repairs and retrofits to social housing in Halton in order to improve living conditions and fight climate change.

Linking social housing to climate change is a different twist –a sort of two birds with one stone thing.
Kevin Flynn MPP for Oakville, Indira Naidoo-Harris, MPP for Halton and Eleanor McMahon, MPP for Burlington were joined by Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr, at Halton Region in Oakville today to make the announcement.

India Nadoo Harris BEST 2

MPP for Milton – India Nadoo Harris

Kevin Flynn - glasses

MPP for Oakville – Kevin Flynn

McMahon - First public as Minister

Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon

Halton will receive up to $8,497,961 for repairs and retrofits to social housing apartment buildings over five years through the Social Housing Apartment Improvement Program (SHAIP), contingent on carbon market proceeds. This includes $1,659,751 for 2017-18.

This program is what the public is getting back from the carbon market the province created. That carbon market is what increased the cost of the gasoline you put in your cars.

Carbon tax cap and tradeExplaining the intricate detail on just how this carbon market almost defies description. Writing it would be a challenge – understanding it is something else – getting people to read it is another dimension.
Suffice it to say this – we have a carbon market arrangement.

Proceeds from Ontario’s carbon market must by law be invested into programs that help households and businesses reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money on energy costs. Programs include home energy retrofits, public transit, social housing retrofits, and electric vehicle incentives and infrastructure.

Halton will also be receiving $3.1 million over three years through the Home for Good Program to increase access and supports to help families in need remain permanently housed. This is part of the province’s goal to end chronic homelessness by 2025.


These are very disturbing numbers – they point to a very serious problem for Burlington.

Getting more affordable housing built is, at least for Burlington, a very pressing need. The Burlington Foundation released their Vital Signs report earlier this week. Look at the housing situation – those are very disturbing.

Kevin Flynn MPP for Oakville added a comment that points to a program – The Home for Good program – that “will receive $3.1 million over the next 3 years as part of the government’s Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy to end chronic homelessness for people living with complex physical and mental health challenges by the year 2025.

“This funding will provide housing assistance, as well as counselling, addictions services and life-skills training to ensure that anyone living in Halton Region will have the security – and dignity – of having a safe place to call home.”

Affordable housing comes under social welfare which is a Regional responsibility. All seven members of Burlington city council are also members of the Regional Council. This is a program Burlington city Councillors could work assiduously at to the benefit of those that cannot afford the Burlington market rate for rent.  When a comparable unit goes for $894 in Hamilton and $1264 in Burlington – it is very clear that something is out of balance.  Burlington needs more affordable housing.

Gary Carr

Regional Chair Gary Carr.

Regional Chair Gary Carr said: “Providing safe, affordable and accessible housing opportunities is one of Regional Council’s strategic priorities. Maintaining and improving our social housing infrastructure is integral to providing high quality service to residents in our assisted housing communities. We are proud to work alongside our partners at the Provincial Government and are thankful for the provincial investment which will benefit Halton residents.” Political Pablum.

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