January 19TH, 2016
There isn’t going to be a Lowville Winter Fair this year.
City hall has moved the funds that were used in the past today for the event and put them into the Love My Hood project which is a program that allows any neighbourhood to approach the Parks and recreation department with an idea and ideally get the support they need.
Parks and Recreations has come to realize that most communities know what they want and don’t have to be spoon fed.
Love My Hood is a pilot project to build a healthier Burlington by engaging and empowering residents to come together and provide events celebrating their Burlington neighbourhoods.
Love My Hood helps residents bring events to all neighbourhoods throughout the city by supporting and encouraging Burlington residents to hold their own neighbourhood gatherings, activities or projects where neighbours can get to know each other. Love My Hood provides resources, support, guidance and eliminates some common barriers in event hosting.
There were 13 love My Hood events in 2015 – Parks and Recreation wasn’t prepared to say how many they hoped for in 2016 but they are aiming for 150 of them in 2017 – why 150? 2017 is Canada’s 150th anniversary of Canada.
Want to know more about creating an event for your neighbourhood? Contact Burlington Festivals and Events Office. LoveMyHood@burlington.ca
As for winter activities – the city now has 18 local skating rinks and they felt that Love My Hood programs could be developed around the rinks.
Lowville doesn’t have a local rink – thus – no Lowville Winter Fair. There was some talk about the Lowville community putting on an event – if they do it will be more local and not something that hundrds of people trooped up to Lowville to take part in.
Is this an opportunity lost? It will be interesting to hear what ward 3 Councillor John Taylor has to say on this.
Stay tuned for some comment from him.
In the meantime – if you want to do something for your community – fill in an application form at:
There is all kinds of information on this new approach the city has taken to empowering neighbourhoods and letting each community design programs it wants. Log into for more details.