They are going to spend millions - get your two cents worth in.

burlbudgetBy Staff

February 7, 2015


If you want your ten minutes of fame before city council slip over to the city web site and register to delegate.

Residents or businesses wishing to have their say about the proposed 2015 budget can register to speak during the budget review at the City of Burlington’s Community and Corporate Services Committee meeting on Feb. 11, 2015, by doing one of the following:

Completing the online registration form at

Printing and completing the registration form on the city’s website and mailing, faxing (fax 905-335-7675) or hand-delivering it to the clerks department at City Hall

Phoning the clerks department at 905-335-7698

Coming to the clerks department on the first floor of City Hall and completing a form in person

Registrations must be received by the clerks department no later than noon on Feb. 10, 2015.

Each delegation will be allowed up to 10 minutes to speak.

The proposed budget information can be found on the city’s redesigned website,

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