By Staff
August 20, 2020
A Different Drummer Books and Harper Collins Canada invite you to what Ian, proprietor of Different Drummer, is calling a a memorable encounter with a phenomenal person of letters.
If you’ve never heard of Thomas King – you are a diminished personality. He is funny, erudite and a great story teller.
The CBC series, The Dead Dog Café Comedy Hour which ran from 1997 to 2000 was some of the best radio you will ever hear. It should be available to the public from the CBC archives.
King is going to introduce his new novel Indians on Vacation as a discussion on line with Deborah Dundas, Friday August 28, 7pm, Live Online via Zoom
Registration to the ZOOM cast comes with the purchase of an autographed copy of the book. $32 – well worth the price.
Thomas King, revered throughout the nation for his broadcasting, his social activism and his witty and profound fiction including Green Grass, Running Water and The Back of the Turtle, shares his irresistible new novel in a riveting online event.
Thomas King discusses Indians on Vacation and the passions and concerns that have shaped his long, colourful life in a vigorous conversation with Deborah Dundas, Books Editor of the Toronto Star, on Friday, August 28 at 7pm.
“From the first page, Thomas King’s sardonic and very funny voice leads us to places we never expect to go…European and Indigenous history collide, and there’s no one better to examine the aftermath.”–Deborah Dundas
To access the event, please purchase Indians On Vacation (autographed copies!) from A Different Drummer Books. They will send you the code required to log in via Zoom.
The book is $32, tax included, and will be available starting on the release date, August 25.
To purchase a signed copy, please contact us at 905 639 0925 or, or use the PayPal button at this link.
Books can be picked up at the bookshop, or delivered to you, no extra charge.