By Pepper Parr
June 16th, 2016
Burlington Transit reports: We have been having some issues with the software. It started last night and we have our vendor and IT people working on it. When we work out these issues it will work on all devices including phones,tablets and desk tops.
I have asked staff to update our web site and advise our customers that we are unfortunately experiencing some technical issues and be patient as we work through them.
Burlington Transit launches new mobile-friendly website with real-time data
Burlington Transit launched an improved, mobile-friendly website, which features real-time data for improved customer service.
It is all at
I wasn’t able to get the information I thought I was going to be able to get – like which busses I had to take to get from my building to a building somewhere else in the city.

Transit is taking the available technology seriously. Making it really friendly right away would be nice.
The transit people said: “This is a significant customer service milestone. In 2011, only 9.9 percent of our web traffic at was through a mobile device or tablet,” said Mike Spicer, director of Burlington Transit. “In the past year, our statistics show that over 53 per cent of our web visitors are using a mobile device, and we expect that number to grow even higher in the years to come.”
Percentages are always a bit mis-leading – there were no raw numbers given. But let’s give them a good mark for trying.
They key features of the new, mobile friendly website include:
• Trip Planner: Plan your trip online by entering an address, intersection, stop ID or searching by popular locations.
• Schedule Finder: View a route or stop-specific schedule online or print one to take with you.
• Next Bus: Get real-time departure information for any bus stop location online or by calling 905-639-0550 with the stop ID number. Users can also see a live map showing the exact location of their bus.
• Stop Finder: Find the best stop location to suit your needs. View a list of amenities available at each stop so you can plan your trip with comfort.
The next steps of the Smart Transit System project include launching a Burlington Transit Twitter account, an online subscription service and online Handi-Van trip booking.
In the very near future we will meet with the good people at Burlington Transit and get them to take us through the new system – once we understand it – we will explain it to you.

Don’t really find this amusing!! Many seniors and challenged people use the bus. Is this fact being escalated to City Hall and Burlington Transportation?
Doesn’t work for me either.
It won’t work on the “Flinstones” Tablet you were using Pepper. (LOL)Your going to have to up-grade to something more recent.
Editor’s note:
Now that is a little unfair.
I don’t have a tablet – just a desk top.
Don’t have a cell phone either – I don’t understand why semaphore is no longer used – and what happened to Morse code?
No idea where this technology is going to get us.
It will only work on a Mobile device, so when your on the street at the bus stop you can get the info. It’s not designed for when your sitting in your residence.