By Staff
June 23rd, 2016
It will work properly – eventually.
Burlington Transit got all excited about a new computer application that would let you plan a transit trip – it had all kinds of neat whistles and bells – but it didn’t work – so they took it off line. It is now back up- but isn’t working quite they way they want it to work.
The Gazette was to spend time with “marvelous” Mike spice, Director of Transit for the city – to get a full demonstration. That has been put off until it works flawlessly. We will let you know when that bright shiny days arrives.
The Gazette got word from the transit people that site is active again but they are still “testing”.
“The problem seems to be with the volume of users accessing the trip planner at the same time. We are not anywhere near our total capacity, but something is causing the system to crash. We think we have worked out most of the issues, but will wait until tomorrow to determine if we have rectified all the bugs.”
“The only way to determine if we have fixed the issues is to put it live again in order to see how it works in the real environment.”
To be continued.
Sounds like they need a better QA testing team … Its called volume or stores testing. LOL