Transit User's Forum scheduled for May postponed to Fall

News 100 blueBy Staff

March 26th, 2020



The scheduled Burlington Transit Users’ Forum, has been postponed.

bfast-logo-w-type-rgb-400x133No new date has been set, Bfast will examine holding the Forum this Fall when the picture becomes more clear with regard to the COVID-19 virus.


Doug Brown in his happy camper mode.

In a statement released Wednesday, Doug Brown said: “This postponement is a disappointment to all of us, but we at BFAST will continue to make submissions to City Council and staff to promote continuing improvements to a transit system that was making excellent progress in providing better service and significantly increasing ridership before the virus hit.

Brown said: “We see three major issues for transit on the agenda now. The first is to ensure that our City Council continues to support improvements to the system.

“The second is to make Council aware that, while we support the City’s efforts to develop a Climate Action Plan, its current approach will worsen traffic congestion and not achieve the admirable goals it sets forth.

“The third is to participate in the development of the City’s Integrated Mobility Program. To this end, we have been meeting regularly with City staff to help ensure the Plan points us toward a transit-oriented future.

“Despite our disappointment in postponing the Transit Users’ Forum, we are excited and optimistic about the medium-term prospects for transit in Burlington and look forward to continued progress.”


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2 comments to Transit User’s Forum scheduled for May postponed to Fall

  • PClark

    “ …a transit system that was making excellent progress… and significantly increasing ridership before the virus hit.” Please release these statistics immediately for public consideration.

    • Collin

      Overall ridership up about 10% in less than a year following the improvements. Seniors’ ridership up approx. 40%. (Unofficial figures.)

      One part of the BFAST statement that wasn’t included in the article:

      “In light of the Forum’s postponement, I especially want to take the
      opportunity to thank all the staff of Burlington Transit for their
      dedication and courage in keeping the system moving in this challenging