Tributes reminiscing and outpourings of affection for Casey Cosgrove who passed last Thursday.

News 100 redBy Staff

September 3rd, 2017



The late Casey Cosgrove Facebook is alive and has become the place to grieve, commiserate and openly love the man we have lost.

And old friend of Casey’s posted a note – it is not easy reading, especially if you know Casey – but it is worth reading. We still speak of him in the present tense – don’t we?

Hey Cosmo

Well, it’s been a shitty 24 hrs, not going to lie! I’ve cried more than I have since my dad died 40 years ago. I hurt because I won’t get to see you anymore but that’s selfish and I know that’s something you weren’t so I will stop that but it may take a few days ok sorry.

You created quite a stir on FB since you left, and I’m going to tell you that you certainly touched a lot of people and they too are as gutted as I am. You have some friends and family who can articulate very well by the way… without F-Bombs even 🙂

I know you know this but Bryna, Ev, Jack, Kate, Stanley, Rudy and Hefty will all be doted upon for years to come by everyone you touched. Not because you left, but because of the family core values you guys all showed us that caused us all to fall in love with the Cosgrove clan.

Judson - Casey and # 19

Cory Judson found his way of remembering.  Cosgrove was one of the driving forces behind getting the monument in place.

It’s been 30 years since you walked up to the dugout of our team and said “Hey guys, I’m Casey, Casey Cosgrove and I’ve been asked to play with you guys”. You had flow (as they call it now) and a smile that just broke down any barriers we may have wanted to implement with the “new guy”. Casey Cosgrove… has there EVER been a better baseball handle in history? Maybe Mickey Mantle but I heard he was an asshole so…

You always had a competitive air about you, sometimes to a fault! Remember that hanging curve you threw that behemoth first baseman in the Nationals in Yarmouth? He hit that friggin meatball so far it should have had a flight crew on it. After the game you said “I can’t believe he got lucky and hit that out” we all laughed and said they had to scramble jet fighters to shoot that bitch down!

Then there’s all the years of ball hockey on Mainway, the moves you had with those silky mitts was ridiculous and you kept reminding me of that with every goal you scored on me. I’d tell you you it was just because you were lucky, you tell me it was just because I was a shitty goalie. We both know who was right, oh, and I still am haha.

My step daughter texted me yesterday morning and said “I am so sorry about Casey Jaker.” I responded with “You know Casey was the first person to call me Jaker 29 years ago” You remember that Cosmo? I got caught stealing second and was walking back past the bench and you said ” nice try Jaker” and I stopped in my tracks and said “did you just call me Joker?” You gave me that sly Cosmo smile and said “no you f***ing idiot I said Jaker”. Whether or not you called me joker or were quick on your feet to back pedal it stuck. Every time someone now calls me Jaker, my thoughts will go to that day and it’ll make me smile… you f***ing idiot 🙂

Well Cos, I gotta fly, Rach needs me to take a load of stuff to Western for her. Thanks for listening. From now on it will just be a silent discussion between you and I but everyone is sad here so I thought I’d share our first chat with them in hopes that some of our stories will bring back a smile or a laugh for them! That is, after all what you did best for all of us! I promise to get back to smiling and laughing, I just need to see Petey in pastels 😉

Love ya bro, so happy your pain free. Say hi to my Dad and Miley for me.
Chat soon…. Jaker

The family held a reception this afternoon and have said they will announce a public celebration for later in the month.

How is this city going to get through the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope on September 17th?

Casey Cosgrove had a couple of hundred people walking with him last year in the Terry Fox Run. This year he will serve on the organising committee - imagine if those who ran and walked with Cosgrove all volunteered as well? This is going to be THE event come September. Get your name on the list now.

Casey Cosgrove in the 2015 Terry Fox run.

The family held a reception this afternoon and have said they will announce a public celebration for later in the month.

In an obituary that is far more formal than Casey ever was he is named as Vincent Casey Cosgrove.  I don’t think very many people knew his full name.  We could have been calling him Vinnie!

The obituary is at:!/Obituary

How is this city going to get through the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope on September 17th?

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1 comment to Tributes reminiscing and outpourings of affection for Casey Cosgrove who passed last Thursday.

  • Amy

    A terrible loss for his family, his friends, and our entire community. Casey’s amazing spirit and passion was apparent the moment you met him. The true meaning of human kindness and compassion. You will be sadly missed by those who had the pleasure to know you.