Ukrainians Rally in front of city hall

By Pepper Parr

March 6th, 2022



They were out on the street, doing what they could to draw attention to the plight of their fellow countrymen.

They lined Brant Street smiling when horns were honked – a couple of hundred taking part in a Rally that was being repeated across the country.

The whole world knows; the whole world waits, praying that a peaceful end will be found.

For the 250 to 300 people who gathered on Brant Street – they didn’t seem to have a permit to use Civic Square and didn’t really care.

They wanted people to know and they wanted to be able to gather and draw what energy and hope was there for them.

Many of the politicians were seen – quite why the MPP was asked to speak was hard to understand. She was brief.

The priest from the Ukrainian Catholic Church said a prayer – different to see hundreds of people crossing themselves as the prayer was spoken.

He may not have fully understood the language but he was there nevertheless with his parents supporting a country he may not even know.

Orysia Foster nee Nebesny was everywhere – wearing that smile and letting is see what a Ukrainian dress looks like. So much colour.

Quite a few people wore their bright cultural clothing – one can’t call them costumes. Would that Canada had a history as colourful to display – the best we can do is a hockey sweater.

The event was put together on very very short notice by people from a part of the community who are quiet, hard working – industrious.

They take part in Canada Day fully aware of how fortunate they are to be in Canada and while their home country has had its problems, none of them thought it would come to what we are experiencing today.

The best they can do is gather, support each other and raise badly needed funds.  And hope.


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