BURLINGTON, ON November 6, 2012 As of last Friday, the Burlington arm of the Burlington/Hamilton United Way Campaign had realized 31% of its target because thousands of people do something; they give money, they put in hours of volunteer time and they cooperate with their peers to make something happen.

The purpose of a corporate logo is to catch your attention. Now that we have your attention – what will you do this week to help the United Way met its target of $2.1 million? Savvy Couture uses this piece on their web site.
We wrote of a Fashion Show held at the Rude Native Sunday before last. What we had not been made aware of was the remarkable level of cooperation between seven retail operations that compete for the same customer but joined together to make an event happen for the greater good of the community.
As of Friday, November 2nd, Burlington has raised 31% of its $2,100,000 goal. Hamilton has reached 39% of its target. A lot more work to be done but when you get retail merchants working together the way this group did – the potential to not only reach but exceed the target is possible.
Who are these merchants and why did they do what they did?
We can tell you who they are – best way to do that is to put their corporate logos in front of you – you’ll recognize them immediately.
While Fashion certainly pulls people into an event – getting rid of electronic equipment you don’t want or need is something that you might want to give some thought to as well. Not as sexy as fashion – but keeping electronic stuff out of landfills is more important than what you wear.
November 24th, area electronic retailers will be accepting electronic equipment you don’t want or need anymore. In Best Burlington Buy on Brant Street will be taking in what you don’t want between 10:00 AM AND 4:00 PM.
Later in the month the United Way leadership team will be holding a small event to recognize the contribution made by those food trucks – that was an astounding event. Maybe, just maybe the Gorilla Cheese truck will be open for business when the recognition event takes place. Those are great grilled cheese sandwiches.
Middle of December William Shatner of both Startrek and Boston Legal fame will be in Hamilton at the Copps Coliseum December 15th, for a show that will see funds going to the United Way campaign. There will be two performances – one at 2:00 pm and a second at 8:00 pm. Tickets are available through HECFI