BURLINGTON, ON January 17, 2013 The folks at Ireland House and the Joseph Brant Museum have finalized the details for the March Break programs they offer
This year’s camp theme at Ireland House Museum will be “Pioneer Pastimes” learning all about what life was like during the Pioneer days. They will be doing different themed days such as, “Around the Farm”, “In the Kitchen”, “Spring Cleaning”, “Spring has Sprung”, and “Fun and Games”!
I suspect many parents will look askance at that session on Spring cleaning – getting their kids to just put their stuff away is a chore – but it’s worth the effort – I suppose.
At Joseph Brant Museum the theme will be “Kreative Kids” learning all different arts and crafts with technique and creativity as the guide! We will be doing different themed days such as, “Paper”, “Textiles”, “Paint”, “Clay”, and “Mixed Media”!
Somewhere in the hallways or perhaps the stairs of the Museum, the Spirit of Joseph Brant will wonder whatever happened to him: doesn’t anyone care anymore?
The Museum people expect to have their brochure online soon, soon, soon.
The programs are designed for children between 5 and 12 years of age. It will cost you $25/child per day or $100/child for the week. Program runs from 9:30am – 3:30 pm each day.
Contact Ireland House Museum at (905) 332-9888 or Joseph Brant Museum at (905) 634-3556 for more detail if that’s what you need. Both Ireland House and the Brant Museum offer solid programs. The small amount of space allows for more interaction between the kids that large venues. And a day at Ireland House is an experience every child in the city should have.