Weather clouds the first night of Macbeth at the RBG Rock Garden. Opening moved to Tuesday.

artsorange 100x100By Pepper Parr

August 14th, 2018.


Weather clouds the first night of Macbeth at the RBG Rock Garden. Opening moved to Tuesday.

Weather was always going to be an issue – it was after all outdoor theatre.

The early crowds were good – and they kept coming in through the wrought iron gates even as people were opening up their umbrellas and stage people were beginning to cover electrical elements with plastic.

First night umbrellas

Umbrellas were brought out by the hardy theatre goers but the rain Gods didn’t bless them

Weather call BEST

Director, stage manager and RBG staffer gather to discuss the weather options.

Trevor Copp, director of the Macbeth performance that was to hold its opening night of a three week run at the RBG Rock Garden, discussed what the options were and decided at 7:25 pm that they would wait an additional 20 minutes before deciding what to do.

A few people, very few left.

The rest hung in until 7:40 when Copp took to the stage and said that the weather formations on the RBG weather channels were not optimistic – Opening Night was being cancelled and ticket holders would be given tickets for another evening.

The cast and the stage crews began the take down – there was going to be another day.

Couple umbrella

This couple were quite content to wait it out.

For those who walked to their cars across the road there was this wonderful rainbow beginning to arc its way across the evening sky.

An omen for the rest of the three week run.

Tickets are available at: WWW.RBG/shakespeare

Related news stories:

Cast in rehearsal.

Lady Macbeth doing out out.


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