January 1, 2016
It wasn’t the kind of comment from a reader that we really wanted to see as the first to come in – but the news takes its own form.
A Beachway resident who swears she will be one of the last to leave the community “probably kicking and screaming” as well wonders if “using millions of tax payers’ dollars to create a park just another smoke and mirrors project.”
There are about a dozen that are the true believers, people that have no desire to sell or to move; others are angling for the best price they can get while one has residences that are short term rental properties – seen as a great place to do business.
At this point the reality is that a splendid park is going to be created in what once a very vibrant community was seen by some as the kind of place “nice girls didn’t hang around – you can guess which city Councillor that remark came from.
The Region’s planners are designing the park with significant input from the city and the consultant brought in to do the work.
The homes that have been purchased will at some point be demolished. Keenan G. Lane, Manager, Realty Services for the Region advises that “remediation of the property is already underway. We have a number of houses being demolished both in the beach and within other project areas and these works are let as part of large contracts to obtain the best pricing. Actual demolition of the structures on site here should commence in early December and should be short work given the form of construction.”
The crunch for those who want to hold out to the bitter end will come when the Region is ready to actually begin construction of the park – which probably won’t be until construction of the Joseph Brant Hospital re-build/redevelopment is completed – that is targeted for 2018 – which happens to be the year that municipal elections take place.
The decisions made by one Council are not necessarily decisions that are kept by the next council – unless of course they all get re-elected in 2018.
Imagine that?
The crunch?
Why in the world would nobody visit the park? The beach area is a magnet to Burlingtonians, and many others. Every summer the beach is jammed to the gills with people.
It is a terrible shame this unique part of Burlington is being changed into a park few will visit.
Owning property on the Beach Strip is like holding a winning lottery ticket. No one but the Region is going to buy it, so you might as well cash in and invest the proceeds and live rent free for whatever the terms are.