By Staff
July 9th, 2017
August 21st – the Official opening of the brand new and rebuilt parts of the Joseph Brant Hospital will take place – lots of hoopla and everyone being proud of a job well done.
Now we all have to figure out how to use the place.
Getting there will be different; the entrance will be in a different place and the drive will take you along Lakeshore Road as it cuts towards the lake edge.
The hospital communications usually do an excellent job of getting information out and in the early stages there will be all kinds of people on hand to get you to where you want to go.
The public has had to come of with $120 million of the cost of the new hospital – $60 million is being paid by the taxpayer – seperate line on your tax bill and an additional $60 million that is being raised by the hospital Foundation. They are in the final stretch of the fund raising effort.
For the immediate future the graphic below shows you the fundamentals.